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· Viewed 1208 times
I am asking this question in a new thread because I want to look at my situation from a completely different perspective.
- I have a great innovative idea and I want to open my start-up to work on it.
- I have skills and experience to develop this idea on my own.
- I don’t plan to have any customers, the only goal of my start-up is,
- that say in 3 -5 years Google (or similar) will buy my company (or the idea).
- I also have an investor who believes in me and who is ready to invest 100,000 euro a year,
- to allow me to pay my bills while I am working on it.
What kind of company should I create in this case? Should I create a company at all, if I don’t have any customers, neither salary?
I don’t sell anything to anyone, and I also don’t provide any service to anyone, I am just working for fun for myself.
Can you please advice what are my options in this case?
How much fees and taxes will I need to pay, if in 3 years Google buys my start-up, say for 5 million euros?