Starting a micro entrepreneur in France

· Viewed 1383 times

Our situation is that we wish to enter France and be able to stay on a permanent basis. We own a house in area 37 ( 7 yrs.) and lately have been here a little more than 183 days. (2yrs ). We will be declaring normal tax if any is due this year.

Can you please suggest if micro entreprise is the right way for us, or whatever? If you think yes, can you list jobs which are possible under this scheme please.

We have run our own business in the UK for 23 years, this regularly was 7 days 60 /80 hrs. a week. I am now 63 Linda 62, and looking for less work per week. We are able to live on our investments, and don’t expect the French system to look after us.

I think that with the micro-entreprise scheme you enter the French health care, as you are paying taxes .
We look forward to your reply.
Thank you,
Robert and Linda Overall

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