Starting up as a ME/AE builder

· Viewed 620 times

I have been trying to get a business started with the help of a French friend, but she has never done it before and I think has been leading me down some of the wrong rabbit holes, which has made the whole process slow and stressful. Much of my work was in France before Brexit and so I decided to move here.  I was born in Ireland (to British parents), so am an Irish citizen by birth and thus able to continue to enjoy the rights of EU citizens.

I have 17 years experience as a builder and landscaper, with no direct qualifications, but I do have attestations written and signed by colleagues and former customers in French, confirming this and the areas in which I have worked for them, plus an extensive portfolio.

I think I have most, if not all, the documentation required to start a business here. I am eager to progress with setting up as an AE/ME, because I have several prospective clients requesting devis, but am concerned about writing quotes without first having a valid SIRET and decennale. Where do I start?

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