Starting up as an auto-entrepreneur?

· Viewed 1600 times

I registered as an auto-entrepreneur at the beginning of January with a date de prise d’activite 01/12/2011. Although my French is OK, I’m already feeling a bit lost in paperwork and I have a number of questions I hope you can answer to get me started.

  1. I understand I need to make my first declaration before the end of january to avoid any fines even if this is nil - how do I do this? online?
  2. I’ve also received a form from inforegistre asking me for 262,30 euros - is this a con?
  3. I’ve received forms and info from 2 companies for Adhesion Retraite Complementaire, is this obligatory?
  4. I haven’t received any news on carte vitale - when I registered online, I chose Caisse RSI des Professions Liberales Provinces. Should I have heard something by now?
  5. Before I registered as an auto-entrepreneur, I read something about having to apply for business rates exemption. Do I need to complete a form for this? Can you point me in the right direction.
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