status as SASU + Auto Entrepreneur and which social coverage to choose

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Hi Valerie,

My 3-year-old business as an auto-entrepreneur profession liberale (branding consulting) + commercial (organizing showrooms and fashion shows for brands during PFW) was not very viable as my ACCRE 3 years were also coming to an end in 2020 and my expenses were high for commercial so after speaking to a comptable I registered a SASU. I want some clarification on the following questions

  1. Can I keep my status as auto-entrepreneur and SASU both?
  2. Should I separate my two activities one as auto-entrepreneur (profession liberale) and the other (commercial) as SASU?
  3. Both my businesses (AE + SASU) are registered with the same commercial name. Do I need to separate their commercial names? For example, for auto-entrepreneur should I change it to my name and for SASU to keep a commercial name?
  4. I am not sure whether I should keep my social security on AE or SASU. What is better in terms of social charges?
  5. SASU is a start-up business and I want to pay the minimal social charges. Would you suggest to take dividends or have a salary every month?
  6. What is the minimum salary I should pay myself and can the salary variate every month? please also keep in mind what is better for the prefecture in terms of renewing my titre de sejour. For my titre de sejour, I am registered as Profession liberale, on the renewal appointment, last week, I gave prefecture my Kbis for SASU. They said they will see and get back to me whether they need more documentation or not.

I registered for SASU in January 2020 but to date haven’t declared any work or taken any salary or anything at all like my work couldn’t start due to COVID 19.  I declared my 2020 first trimester to URSSAF as per usual since I didn’t start any activity on SASU. On 30th July, I have to declare my 2nd trimester for AE so I am not sure how to go about it as I want to start some activity on SASU invoicing and declaration since the prefecture might ask for some additional documents (salary slips, invoices, etc) for my SASU business.

Thanking you in advance for all advice.

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