Stopping my micro-entrepreneur business - How to?
Hi Valerie, I have tried to close my micro entrepreneur here - this is where I declare my turnover and pay my contributions quarterly. I stopped the business on the 19/06/2019 and have declare my 2nd quarter on the site today.
I tried to end my business (cessation) on-line and I received an email confirming my submission and they gave me a dossier number and password. A few minutes later they sent another email saying this:
Le Centre de Formalites des Entreprises de l’URSSAF regionale de POITOU-CHARENTES vous informe que :
Votre declaration du 02/07/2019 referencee U8607T906340 a ete refusee car :
L’URSSAF n’est pas CFE competent. Adressez-vous a votre Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie.
(Pour plus d’information rendez vous sur
Si vous avez opte pour l’option EIRL, veuillez vous adresser à votre greffe competent pour proceder au
remboursement de votre formalite.
Which appears my submission was rejected, what do I do now?
Thanks, Marlon.