Super simple calculation of net income from SASU

· Viewed 1298 times

I have a SASU and am just completing my 2-year eligibility for Pole Emploi, so have worked out with my accountant that I’ll henceforth take my ‘income’ as about 40% in salary and 60% in dividendes. Does that split sound about right? I’m concerned I am taking too much in salary, what with the high social charges associated? Also, I am having a really hard time trying to work out what I need to earn (bill clients) to pull in the net income I need per month after all deductions (corporate tax, personal tax, social charges, impots on dividends etc).

Is there is magic formula that roughly calculates this? My workings tell me (I think) that at the end of the day, I pretty much need to be billing exactly twice the amount I actually need as a net income (8000 euros per month to produce a net income of 4000). I’ve tried to have this conversation with my accountant to get more clarity but it’s as clear as mud :-( The issue is, i need to know how much effort i need to put into new business development to get the balance right.

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