Tax and social security contribution for entreprise Individuelle?
· Viewed 2670 times
Could you please confirm if my calculations below for social security charges and tax are correct.
- Business set up in France: Entreprise Individuelle. Profession liberal (BNC).
- Gross annual income: 62,000 euros
- Social security contributions (travailleur hon-salarie TNS): 22,050 euros
- Private unemployment cover: 1,359 euros
- From calculez vos cotisations - no need to verify.
- Net income subject to tax: 38,591 euros
- Income tax: 4,853 euros (calculated from, using model simplifie and filling annees de naissance: 1981 and Revenus d’activite (field 1AJ): 38591)
- Net income after tax: 33,738 euros
- If I hire an accountant, at which point I can deduct the accountant fees, before any charges or taxes are being paid?
- Referring to this question - what key benefits are there from CGA membership? Why profits will be increased by 25% before calculating social security charges?
- Do you see any benefits in terms of lower social security charges or tax when operating a different type of company, for example EIRL or EURL?
- If my gross annual income would be 67,000 euros, I can see that I would need to pay Régime Complémentaire Vieillesse Classe 5 instead Classe 4 and that would cost me extra 2,400 euros. Do you see any possible workarounds to avoid this step in pension payments, for example if there is a way of using corporate tax system and distributing payments in a way that the Régime Complémentaire Vieillesse classe would be lower?