Tax Declaration 2019

JT Griffin
· Viewed 926 times

Hi Valerie, thanks for sharing your articles on forms & deadlines, as well as the form 2042 C Pro, they’ve been really useful. I just have a few follow-up questions regarding my situation that hopefully you can help with:

Form 2042 C Pro
1. I just wanted to double-check that if I have ‘opté pour le versement libératoire de l’impot sur le revenu’, that I do not need to fill out anything beyond page 1? On page 5, there are sections relating to ‘micro BNC’, which I believe I am, and on Page 6 there is the ‘BA, BIC, BNC a imposer aux prelevements sociaux’. Again, I just wanted to check that I leave these blank?

Form 2042
1. As a micro-entrepreneur, do I declare my revenue (matching form 2042 C Pro) in 1AJ or elsewhere?
2. Part 6, Epargne retraite: Do I have to fill-out anything here (I have no pension set-up in France)
3. Part 8, Prelevement a la source: What do I need to fill out here, and how do I calculate it?

In your article about forms and deadlines, you list a number of forms if you earn any income abroad. I still hold some UK bank accounts but earn no money in the UK/under the UK system (2019 & 2020). That being the case, do I need to fill in any of the forms you list?

Apologies for so many questions, and thanks as always, for your help.

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