Tax declaration, can it be yearly and how to make it?

· Viewed 1438 times

My auto-entrepreneur status officially started on April 10, 2010. I haven’t declared anything yet. When registering for auto-entrepreneur, I remember selecting some option on the form to pay once a year or something like that. Is it my tax declaration? Because I have went to Hotel des Impots in my town and asked them about when to pay my income, they said once a year after September.

And when I registered on the website and clicked to Acceder aux declarations link, I get a warning saying:

Vous n´avez accès à aucune des déclarations choisies pour le moment. Revenez ultérieurement, chaque déclaration sera affichée dès que son délai d´accès sera dépassé.

What does this mean?

I am kind of confused because all the videos and answers about auto-entrepreneur was prepared for 2009 and I always felt some things have changed for 2010. So I am not sure how to declare my income now.

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