Tax ID and associated issues

· Viewed 952 times

I’ve recently come across a small ‘gotcha’ which I’m hoping you can help with. I regularly post merchandise to Germany who have recently introduced the German Packaging act which means if you post to Germany, your packaging has to be licensed. In order to get the license you need a VAT (TVA) registration number or at the very least, a tax ID. Where would I be able to find this? I have a professional account on the Impots site if it’s in there somewhere. If it comes to it, I’ve read somewhere that I can get an intra community tax number even if I don’t pay VAT as a micro entrepreneur, is this correct? The online forums are full of people who are saying they are not going to post to Germany anymore but I don’t want to take that path as Germany is a significant chunk of my business.. Also on the subject of my professional Impot’s account, do I need to enter any data in it (turnover and the like) or is it simply for paying the CFE as a micro entrepreneur? (I obviously declare my turnover on the net-entreprises site every quarter)...

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