Tax professionelle and ZRR?
· Viewed 1884 times
I set up my auto-entreprise late 2009. I did not opt for Micro Fiscal and therefore assume that I will have to pay Tax Professional, or equivalent, for 2010. Am I right to think that I will only be exempt for TP in 2009, even though I started my business by the end of that year (November)? Can I expect a TP form for 2009?
I will be moving to a very small community in a ZRR region in April this year. I read that that if you set up a business in a ZRR region, you won’t have to pay TP for 5 years. Will I be legible for exemption, having set my business up somewhere else, but less than half a year later moving to a ZRR region? Is there any rough figure I can expect to pay as Tax Professionelle or new equivalent?