Tax Return 2022 foreign income

· Viewed 531 times

If you receive income from selling platforms such as eBay, Etsy France etc where international worldwide customers buy from you and you declare your earnings quarterly as a micro entrepreneur to include the amounts earned on those platforms:

Would you then also have to separate, differentiate and indicate any individual money earned from all customers outside France, and declare that on your annual worldwide income tax declaration as separate foreign income?

As declaring your annual figure for business earnings on the form in one box. Then adding another figure for foreign payments received in another. Would be declaring the same figures twice.

And totalling those figures together wouldn’t tally with what you’ve already declared as earned, and appear to be more.

Or, are payments received on selling platforms, be they foreign or french buyers paying you , not needed to be declared separately. Therefore only needing to input your already declared total annual amount earned.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you

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