Taxes and health insurance for auto-entrepreneur artisan
I believe as a jeweller, metalworker and foundry I will be registering as an auto-entrepreneur with the local Chambre De Metiers, Charente, what is that process called? I do not see any information on their website concerning business setup courses.
Can you tell me what health insurance and other cotisation costs will be calculated from?
I presume I will complete some form of tax return for the business and another for the household? My wife has a small rental income from the UK and I have a teachers pension taxed at source.
Is Taxe d’Habitation relative to income or flat rate? Our house has been considered uninhabitable to now and we have moved in to a half finished property and are in the process of filling in the forms on room size and facilities. Our business will be small for the first couple of years but we are already working.