Taxes, declaring income.

· Viewed 930 times

Hello Valeire,
I’m registered as micro-entrepreneur from January 2019.
I have Carte Vitale, set up on line Impots professional and pay every three months online plus I have the ACCRE reduction granted to me, I don’t earn or have a great income from this activity and as my first year I only just make enough to pay the bills encoured from the business.
I earn or have no other money / savings or have any other income other than from my Gîte and Campsite business here in France.
But I feel I have missed some thing regarding impots / cotisations.
My Question to you is, should I also be declaring to personal impots as well as my business Déclaration, but have no idea what I would pay as I’m already declaring my revenue with impots professional via is that sufficient?

Do I have to set up a personal impots account on top of a professional one? Or will they know and send me a paper Déclaration to fill out at the end of the year?

Many thanks

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