The best way to set up my business in France?

· Viewed 1679 times

I am looking for the least painful way to set up my business. I already have a business in the USA (registration address of the company is France). Most of my income is passive - from advertising on web site. Can I open a bureau de liaison or marketing office in France? I read in you article that This will limit you to marketing and business development activity, as no trade may take place, can you elaborate, what does this mean? The second option is to create a succursale or branch office, which will carry out business in the name and on behalf of the main company - is this an option in my case? Where can I read more about this? Do I get this right?

  1. Auto-entrepreneur not an option for me (over 31K).
  2. Enterprise individuelle seem simple but I am not sure I understand how taxation work. With 60K income and 20K expenses, my tax is 60-20=40K profit. 46% of that is almost 20K.
  3. Micro enterprise not an option for me (income over 31K).
  4. SARL not an option for me,  too complicated, and I don’t have two members.
  5. EURL seems to be the best fit but I am not sure I understand the specifics. What are my social charges with 60K income and 20K expenses scenario?
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