The business was a micro BNC, has it been changed to an autoentrepreneur?

· Viewed 1864 times

My husband has a business in France which was reactivated in 2011. We paid someone to help us do all the paperwork and were told he could not be an auto-entrepreneur he had to be a micro enterprise unless he waited 3 years from the date of closing the business which was in 2009. We have been paying RAM RSI cotisations since 2011, nothing was paid to URSSAF.

We moved house in June 2013. On 22/07/2014 the owner of our old house forwarded a demand from URSSAF relance amiable pour defaut de declaration de recettes. We emailed URSSAF straight away. They explained we had to update the address details and to send the 2011, 2012 and 2014 auto-entrepreneur declarations trimestrielle back to them.

I noted that all the auto-entrepreneur forms had been generated on the same date 07/07/2014 and sent to our old address. We filled the declarations in and returned them with a letter explaining the situation plus a copy of their email. We have now received a union de recouvrement des cotistations which has been sent to the new address by recorded delivery. There are majorations added which are not our fault because we did not know Andrew was an auto-entrepreneur. We thought the business was a Micro BNC. Please would you let us know what can be done.

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