The form to become an auto-entrepreneur (declaration de debut d’activite)

· Viewed 2039 times

I am concerned I might have ticked some of the wrong boxes.

Q7. Under Votre Assurance Maladie, I ticked Autre, as I have worldwide private hospital insurance with AXA. But the form has come up with the next box Assurance Maladie: organisme choisi saying that I chose RAM Professions Liberales IDF no N7511. I am a pigiste, or freelancer. Does this mean it has chosen a mutuelle for me that I will have to contribute to? What is this RAM thing?

Q8. Vous relevez du regime fiscal micro (BIC ou Special BNC). It then offers a box for Option pour le versement liberatoire de limpet sure le revenue calcule sur le chiffre d’affaires ou les recettes. Should I have ticked this box?

And finally, they have sent me a conditional SIRET as the form has been completed online. If I do need to change the answer to either of the above questions - will the form let me do that online? Or must I now let the whole application lapse and try again in 30 days from scratch if I have to change something?

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