Timing of moving from auto-entrepreneur to enterprise individuelle?

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My husband is moving up from auto-entrepreneur to enterprise individuelle reel simplifie and also adding a regulated activity (general building work) for which he can prove over 3 years experience. We contacted our local CFE at the start of December and they sent us the forms and said we would need to go and see them to register.

We contacted them to arrange a meeting and the first appointment they could give us was the 8th January. When we said we wanted to register the activity and change regime etc. from the 1st January they said it would be no problem to back date the start date.

Having read previous posts on the subject of timescales for changing regime where you state that this has to be done prior to Dec 31st, we are a bit concerned. Do we need to let any other body know of the change of regime in the next couple of days, i.e before the end of 2013?

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