To whom do I send my Declaration Trimestrielle de Chiffre d’Affaires?
I was registered as an auto-entrepreneur for our gite business with the CCI in Flers (January 2010) and I sent in my quarterly declaration trimestrielle to RSI in Caen. I paid tax to the office in Flers. I moved to the Limousin in December 2012 and changed my address and type of business to Chambres d’hote online, via the auto-entrepreneur website. I sent in the hard copy to URSSAF in Limoges as they are the CFE not the CCI. I also sent letters to RSI in Caen and Limoges about my change of address and activity and I have registered the chambres d’hote at the local Mairie.
My SIRET number has changed and I have this confirmed via the standard form from INSEE. In January, I received a Declaration trimestrielle from Alencon at my new address for the previous 3 months, which I filled in and returned as a nil return. I considered this normal. On April 13th I received a Declaration Trimestrielle from Caen, at my new address, but with my old SIRET number and Location de Gites in the letterhead. I also received a Declaration Sociale des Independents from URSSAF in Caen at my new address. I have never had to fill this in before. What should I do about this form? I have not received anything from Limoges. What should I do? I do have a small return to decalare for this trimestrielle.
My Carte Vitale is working here (mise a jour at the local pharmacie) but it appears that ADREA Mutuelle in Caen are still paying my medical expenses and it has not transferred to Harmonie Mutuelle in Limoges, who I chose when completing the RSI form for Limoges. I will be seeing a Consultant at the hospital in St. Junien on 29th April and I have to have my Carte Vitale active. I would like to know how I should proceed, please?