Transfer of sécurité sociale and carte vitale to new regime?

· Viewed 1368 times

I am (well was) with MGEN with my wife and kids before being an auto-entrepreneur business here in France. It was MGEN who issued me with my carte vitale in 2015. Now, being an auto-entrepreneur, MGEN has informed me that the management of my social security will now be done by reunion des assureurs maladie, pour le regime social des independents.

Therefore, I need to understand the steps here:

  1. If there is an accident today, am I covered immediately and by whom (RSI or RAM)?
  2. I still have not received an attestation de couverture sante - who is meant to give me this, RAM? Or are they waiting for some information from me first?
  3. I received this Declaration de choix du médecin traitant - I take this to my local doctor to complete and how do I provide this to?
  4. Do I now have an obsolete carte vitale since it was initially provided to me by MGEN?
  5. Do I have to reapply for another carte vitale or will a new one be created or I can keep my old carte vitale?
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