Transferwise bank details on french invoice

· Viewed 1139 times

Hi Valerie and anyone with experience in using Transferwise!

I have just opened a Transferwise borderless account that comes with both GBP and EUR balances - but they come with different bank details. My clients are based in the UK so I would have to use GBP bank details on the invoices for them to pay in sterling. Does this work for book keeping ( GBP bank details )? Or do I need to include the EUR bank details as well ( ultimately I will convert the payment from the GBP balance to the EUR balance after I got paid - but both balances have separate bank statements )

For example: I’ll include both GBP and EUR bank details on the invoice and indicate ” For payment in GBP - Pay to IBAN: GB94 TRWI 2314 XXXX XXXX XX” and For payment in EUR - Pay to IBAN DE83 7001 XXXX XXXX XX ”

Just in case when it comes to record, I have both separate bank statements in GBP and EUR to show to the authorities ( one that the UK client paid to and another one that I convert the same payment from sterling to euros ) and that they match both bank details that are shown on the invoices. What do you think?

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