Trouble opening an Orange Bank account, how to access funds

· Viewed 850 times

Hello Valerie,

Following advice on other posts in the forum, I am trying to open an Orange Bank account however I am stuck with one of their requirements - Justificatif de domicile de l’hébergeur, which they insist needs to be one of - Telephone, Electricity, Gas or Heating bills, or an avis d’imposition.

I live with my wife in a university hostel with the contract in her name. There are ‘quittance de loyer’ s for each trimester and that’s the proof of domiciliation that we have used (with an attestation from the hostel manager on their letterhead). My wife has given me an attestation d’hebergement (handwritten). This has served well for most other purposes including opening a Societe Generale account. I am using the SocGen account for my professional purposes and want to use the Orange account for personal use.

My two related queries therefore are:
1) What can I tell Orange that will satisfy them of my domiciliation in my residence?
2) How can I access my funds (from client payments) which are lying in my SocGen account?

Bien cordialement,

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