Trying to get to the bottom of taxes on App Store app

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I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of the taxes due on my App Store commissions paid by Apple for sale of my apps on the App Store.
In a previous reply to Thomas, you said

“This follows up on the conversation that we had with impots to identify what your activity was. Programming and apps are considered as different:

- Programmer and web design is a service, because you are coding. This is considered Benefice Non Commerciaux, i.e a service taxed at 21.2%
- An app sold on AppeStore or Google Play is seen as a product BIC - Benefice Industriels et Commerciaux, hence taxed at 12.3%.”

I’ve since messaged URSSAF, but after weeks of waiting their reply was to speak with SIE.
I messaged yesterday through my Impots business account and today got this reply:

“Voici quelques activités qui relèvent des BNC : les agents d’assurance, les agents commerciaux, les avocats, les experts-comptables, les médecins, les dentistes, les chirurgiens, les vétérinaires, les commissaires aux comptes les conseillers en gestion de patrimoine, les prestataires informatiques lorsque l’activité consiste de manière prépondérante à de la prestation intellectuelle.
Pour le fisc il s’agit donc plutôt du BNC.

Rapprochez vous des services de L’Urssaf pour plus de renseignements”

I’m not sure they completely understood what I was asking as i’m not sure App Sales would be classed as “prestation intellectuelle”, although the way the App Store works, it’s Apple selling the apps and pay us our royalties.

Can you remember what the impots said to you when you enquired for Thomas?


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