TVA and moving from auto-entrepreneur to regime reel simplifie?
I have been registered as auto-entrepreneur this year, as my pro-rata turnover will be less than the 32,600 limit. I am now issuing invoices that, under the terms of the contracts, will be paid in the new year. Next year, my work will definately take me in excess of the auto-entrepreneur limit, so I will apply for regime reel simplifie, which will of course require TVA to be charged.
What do I do for those invoices that are paid next year, that will count under next year’s turnover, but will in effect have been invoiced under auto-entrepreneur? I have not charged TVA on any of those issued yet, as clearly I’m not TVA registered under auto-entrepreneur.
Secondly - how do I charge TVA to UK companies? Is it just the same as when I ran a company in the UK, in that I just add it on at the prevailing rate based on invoice fees and then declare and pay regularly?