TVA how is it collected

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We spoke in a power hour in August. I have a quick question following our meeting in August about VAT numbers. It took a long time to get a response but I have now had a conversation with someone at the tax office in the Gers. They have asked us to confirm the request for TVA number in registered post with a preferred start date (no problem). His concern was that we understood that this means that invoices from that date would incur a 20% VAT cost.

I tried to explain that it was our understanding that we have a VAT exemption because of a client in Andorra and he did not seem to know about this. Anyway, my question is - Can you confirm that VAT will not be charged directly on our declarations and that with the regime we choose (once a year) it is up to us to submit a VAT return at the end of the year and then pay it. I have explored this and think that we need to use this code on our invoices to help an accountant prepare our VAT declaration

TVA non applicable – art. 259-1 du CGI

Thanks, Jim

I just wanted to be sure that we would not be charged VAT at our quarterly declarations as the person I spoke to implied might happen.

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