TVA no. intracommunautaire

· Viewed 852 times

I’m getting very confused as to the need and/or circumstances in which a TVA number intra-communautaire is necessary?
I am a micro entrepreneur, Profession libéral, APE code 7022Z, Conseil aux entreprises and am well below the TVA limit so I understand that I do not charge TVA out to my French clients (putting the usual note on the bottom of invoices).

I now wish to invoice a UK limited company (which is UK VAT registered) for professional services provided in France by me.

Please could you tell me what the correct procedure should be in these circumstances? Do I need to obtain a TVA number just to put this on the invoice WITHOUT addition of TVA or am I obliged to register for TVA in France to invoice businesses elsewhere in the E.U or is there something else I should be doing?

Many thanks in advance for your clarification !

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