TVA returns for an auto-entrepreneur with only non-French clients with a turnover over the limit.

· Viewed 792 times

I am registered as an auto-entrepreneur and I provide training and consultancy services to clients in the USA, Germany and the UK. None of my clients has a presence in France. My income went over the TVA threshold in April this year. I wrote to the tax office requesting a TVA number and stated that none of my clients had a presence in France. I was sent a TVA number and a request for quarterly TVA returns. I asked an accountant how to proceed and was told that as I couldn’t charge TVA I didn’t need to do anything. I have just received a letter from the tax office saying that I need to make the returns or incur a fine. I looked at the TVA form online and it would seem that I just need to check the «déclaration néant» box. Is this the case or do I need to provide additional information?

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