TVA - second year prorata calculation
Another stupid question from me.
I’ve been reading about this pro-rata temporis TVA exemption calculation for the second year of operation. I’m just a little confused by it and was hoping to get some clarification.
I was initially operating under the understanding that I would remain TVA exempt for my second year of operation if my turnover remained below 33,200. However, I’m now reading about this pro-rata calculation for the second year. So say I started in July and I declare 30,000 euros from July to December. So no need to become TVA registered. However, my turnover has crossed the TVA ‘pro-rata temporis’ limit for days worked in the year limit i.e (33,200 * 184)/365 = 16736 euros. So actually I do need to register for TVA in the second year. Is this correct? I’m pretty confused as I thought it was all pretty clear before.
Thanks for any help again.