TVA (VAT) taxes in France?

· Viewed 2414 times

I have got a limited company in Lithuania and I have setup an online business in France. We are selling garden houses. At the moment I am working with Lithuania VAT code, but as I see good perspectives I have asked mandatory for French TVA number.

Few weeks ago I have received numero intracommunautaire, numero SIRET, numero de dossier but I am still working as Lithuanian Limited.

My questions are:

  1. The VAT which I will get from my customers I have to pay to France three times a year, isn’t it?
  2. I have got a form N 3310-CA3 (for Trimestriel fulfilment), where I can learn how to full fill it correctly
  3. Is there is anything else what I have to do when I have got this TVA number ?
  4. My invoice is: price +19.6% (TVA) which I have to bring back to France? (just for clarification)
  5. I have got some service providers in France I and I am receiving invoices from them with 0% VAT at the moment. Is it OK If I sell products with FR TVA, but receive services with LT VAT ?
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