UK clients paying Euro cheques?
I am organising weddings as an auto-entrepreneur and the only problem that has arisen is when hiring furniture, marquees etc and the companies demand a EURO cheque as a damages deposit. UK clients don’t have euro cheques and I am not going to stump up a hefty 5000€ damages cheque for them. I had considered asking for an equivalent UK cheque as my safeguard, but have been warned my UK clients could easily put a hold on it.
If I ask for a transfer of the same amount to cover me which I then refund once the wedding has passed then surely I will have to declare this amount which ‘sat’ in my account for a few months? What about paypal? Does this offer a solution for me to ‘hold’ funds to then refund later? Any suggestions gratefully received as this is doing my head in and I’ve been warned that weddings can result in damage when wine and beer comes into the equation.