Declaring UK rental income in France

· Viewed 836 times

Hello Valerie

I will recieve a rental income from a furnished apartment in the UK.
I want transfer the income from UK bank to French bank at the end of each month.
I would like to declare it here in France.
I am registered Auto-Entrepreneur artisan (general builder) registered at the Chambre de Metiers.
I have opted for Regime Micro Entreprise to pay tax at end of year.
I have opted to pay RSI social charges trimestrial.


  1. Can I declare the UK rental income as turnover via my auto-entrepreneur trimestrial RSI social charges declarations and if so at what rate?
  2. And do I also declare it to impots at the end of the year and at what rate?
  3. And also as a builder, a proportion of the factures will be for materials costs, what social charges rate is applied?


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