Understanding CAF and the quotient familial in France?

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I am having problems understanding our new quotient familial in France. Last year we were 460 euros quotient familial, now this year we have suddenly risen to 883 euros. This has made our garderie fees for our little girl over three times higher, this is not something we can afford.

We are also not entitled to the Vacances en famille de la CAF (VACAF) vouchers, while I know this isn’t serious, it does mean no family holiday this year. I have had much contact with Caisse d’Allocations Familiales (CAF) over this issue for the last six weeks, and they have now given me their calculation. Would you please be kind enough to tell me what this means:

Après vérification de votre dossier, votre quotient familial est bien de 883. En effet, en fonction de votre catégorie professionnelle, le calcul du quotient familial est en fonction d’un forfait soit 1015 fois le SMIC horaire par personne.

Calcul du QF:
13,290 X 2 = 26,580
26,580 / 12 mois = 2,215
auxquelles on ajoute vos prestations familiales du mois précédent (434.35)
2,215 + 434.35 = 2,649.35
Le touts divisé par le nombre de part au foyer soit 3
2649,35 / 3 = 883 de quotient familial.

They told us it is based on 2009 revenue, my husband earned 11,888 euros, I only started a auto-entrepreneur last September 2010, and just bring in a very small 79 euros per month. I have no idea what the figure of 13,290 is or why is it times 2?

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