Understanding the calculation of a portage salarial income?

· Viewed 1665 times

Could you please help me to understand, how the net income for portage salarial can be calculated? By net income I mean what will eventually end up in my pocket, after all charges and taxes. Let us assume the following case as an example, could you please confirm or correct the following assumptions?

  1. Lets assume the customer was billed was billed with 10,000 euros (no VAT).
  2. The portage salarial company will deduct 10%, leaving 9,000 euros.
  3. Social charges are deducted directly at the portage salarial company, let’s assume roughly 45%, leaving us with 4,500 euros.
  4. These 4,500 euros would be payed by the portage salarial company to me.
  5. To simplify, we assume there was no additional income. I would then declare this 4,500 euros on the yearly tax declaration as a salary.
  6. The declared income of 4,500 euros would then be taxed according to the income tax rate thresholds, as described here. So in this simple example, the income tax would be 0 euros.

If this calculation is correct, or if there are any other additional taxes or charges are deducted from the received amount in point 4?

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