URSAFF again…

· Viewed 927 times

Hi Valerie
Today I received a letter from URSAFF Bretagne… saying urgent and that I had to send documentation to them:
‘Vous avez cree votre entreprise ou micro entrepreneur et a ce titre nous avons procédé a votre affiliation.’
pour permettre de verifier les données d’état civic vous concernant nous vous prions de nous faire parvenir les pieces suivantes…
I don’t understand why I am having to send information to a different area not 50390 when I am register as ME and all information was sent.
It states:
‘si vous avez deja transmis ces pieces a la CPAM de votre lieu de domicile veillez ne pas tenir compte de ce courrier’.
Any ideas if I need to respond or not???
why would URSAFF Bretagne be involved anyway. their number I presume is valid
and not spam..tel: 0230171920

Do you think it Is referring to affiliation to URSAFF or CPAM as my business is already registered im still confused.

Also do I need to get all theses documents translated? I have up to now not been asked for this.
it States: ‘ATTENTION’. ‘sont dispensées de traduction les langues suivantes : anglais etc
I will await your response before acting on this
merci Mel DC

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