URSSAF categories and tax
I wonder if you can help with some questions. I have the possibility to take on some work delivering courses for authors and also perhaps a newsletter.
1. The courses would include making videos and pdfs as well as teaching so I’m not sure if they come under products or services. The newsletter I assume would be a product? So the first question is how to categorise these correctly if I go ahead.
2.The other question is about rates of tax. The income would be in the region of 12000-18000€, depending on how many students.
I also have a pension of around 24,500€ and the income is the total income for both me and my husband. Depending on whether the work is goods or services I’d pay around 2000-4000€ to URSSAF on the 12000-18000€ and another 1000€ on the pension.
3. Would tax be on the whole sum or on the sum minus payments to URSSAF? And is tax on the whole of micro entrepreneur income or only on a percentage?
4. Could I opt for paying ‘le versement libératoire’ on the 18000€ in lieu of paying tax?
I won’t know until early March if I’ll have the work, but want to get clear on how to file the income and what would need to be put away for tax purposes.