Using domiciliation address in a different city from my home address

· Viewed 660 times

I’m a non-EU that recently graduated from a grande école, so I have a visa for recherche d’emploi ou création d’entreprise. I was thinking of creating my own company (auto-entrepreneur) as a sales and marketing consultant and using a domiciliation address.

My questions are:

  1. Is it okay to choose Paris as my business address, while I live in Lille? I’m not sure I want to move to Paris, but I also believe a business address in Paris can gain trust from international clients way easier than a non-Paris address. Will there any problem in the future regarding tax or paper?
  2. I learned that there are auto-entrepreneur and auto-entrepreneur with EIRL options as legal statutes. Can you tell me what’s the difference between the two, and which one will you recommend for a total newbie freelancer?


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