Visa to migrate to France and start marketing business
Hi Valerie,
How are you. I had a question regarding migrating to France that involves the following below:
1) I and my wife are citizens of India but reside in Zambia. By education I have a Computer Science degree and by passion am into start up business in the travel related industry.
Current Occupation:
2) I manage my dads business and also in the process of launching Zambia’s first online hotel reservation system ( This will be the first of a kind in the country.
What I intend to do:
I wanted to migrate to France on a self employment basis and continue my passion of the travel related industry.
France has a major influx of tourists from all over the world to view different cities and especially the Eiffel Tower. India has a vast population and the current trans is people wanting to travel and visit. Before they used to travel locally but going to Europe is the new trend. Zambia has one of the most number of Entrepreneurs in Africa and they have also begun tracking and visiting different cities (Dubai being the top on the list)
I would want to set up a marketing business that market France’a tourist spots to the population of India and Zambia for inward travel.
The above is a brief description of what I want to attain.
My Questions:
1) What is the process required for me to move to France to start this venture.
2) is the above venture viable for approval by the French authorities for a self employed visa
3) What kind of Visa do I require to attain this and what would be the process before I go to the embassy to apply.
4) What documents would I need ?
5) How long is the decision process from application to approval/denial ?