Waiting for auto-entrepreneur siret number

· Viewed 1599 times

I applied by post to URSSAF for my auto-entrepreneur on 28th Aug 09, sending all the correct documentation including my ACCRE form. As yet I have heard nothing. I have rung the helpline several times but they do not seem to be able to help. At the time I beleived my main work would be as a televenduse so I listed this as my main activity followed by atelier ceramique an cours d’anglais so I would be covered by all 3.

However I have just been informed that the telesales organisation(after investigation by URSSAF) can no longer take on people using the auto-entrepreneur system as URRSAF requires them to have fixed french contracts. Therefore I am considering putting in another application as profession liberale that would consist of cours d’anglais, atelier ceramique and distributeur independant (selling cards dirctly to people).

Would that be appropriate and should I just enclose a letter saying I never heard back from them the first time I applied. I don’t want to end up with them thinking I have 2 auto-entrepreneur applications?

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