What address to use for my personal tax

· Viewed 813 times

Hi Valerie,

I am doing my first year of taxes. And online doing my personal taxes. They want the address I was at for Jan 1. I was between apartments and actually living in London for a few months. Do I say this? That I was overseas? The option is there, but what is the implication?  I then rented an apartment from February 1. With Urssaf, I used an adresse domiciliation during this time, but they had my ‘home address’ as my ex boyfriend’s address in a town outside of Paris as I had not yet changed it with them. I do not want to have any contact with my ex so am hoping I do not have to mention this with impots.gouv? I am sure he wouldn’t care but I do, I don’t want further connection with him unless an emergency. If I was physically not there in any case. What is the best idea in this mess? Thanks.

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