What are the minimum cotisations for an EIRL?

· Viewed 2267 times

If I have the status EIRL, I know that there is a minimum amount of cotisations to pay regardless of whether I earn any money or not. My question is, if I work as a vacataire in a university teaching English and I have a contract as vacataire for 6 months or 1 year and they pay my cotisations, which comes to more than the minimum contribution - do I have to pay an additional amount for the EIRL side? So if I earn zero as EIRL but 2,000 euros as vacataire, will I pay cotisations for both?

I anticipate earning money both as EIRL and vacataire, but currently I’m auto-entrepreneur and I need to make sure that I’m not going to be paying double cotisations. If I change to EIRL and then say in 2015, I don’t earn very much, is it possible to go back to auto-entrepreneur after paying all outstanding cotisations for the EIRL?

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