What business set up in France to sell private label nutrition products?

· Viewed 1826 times

I am about to set up a business in France which will sell private labelled products. I am wondering if it is a pure trade business form. More details:

  • As far as I know from German product liability law, private labeling will be considered as being the manufacturer. But in terms of the type of business I believe it will be a trade business. Though I want to be sure how it is in the French system.
  • I would like to use the auto-entrepreneurship business regime in France.
  • The first product is supposed to be a nutrition supplement for dogs and cats something like this.
  • Plus later nutrition supplements for humans will be sold.
  1. What type of business is this?
  2. Do nutrition supplements fall under food?
  3. Do nutrition supplements for cats and dogs fall under food?
  4. Are there specific regulations?
  5. Anything else I need to know?
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