What do I do with Reunica and Malakoff Médéric forms?

· Viewed 2196 times

I received two forms from Reunica. The first one has has choix des institutions d’adhesion on it.

  1. I just want to check that this is the form I sign and date and just write je confirme ne pas employer de salaries?
  2. Do I need to fill in the form at all?
  3. The second form is Demande de Renseignements A nous retourner avec le contrat d’adhesion. Do I need to fill in this form at all, or write anything on it?

I also received a letter and form from Malakoff mederic titled choisissez en toute objective votre caisse de retraite complementaire. The form it came with looks the same as the Reunica form with Choix des institutions d’adhésion, do I need to do anything or fill this one in also?

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