What do I do with these auto-entrepreneur documents?
· Viewed 1554 times
I have received some mail related to my having recently registered an auto entrepreneur business in France. I have not yet billed any clients using this new status, but have questions about the materials I have received. In addition to a letter from INSEE providing my certificat d’Inscription and SIREN/SIRET number, I have received:
- A letter from APE Enregistrement regarding a membership for 289,54 euros - what is this? Am I obliged to register?
- A letter from RSI confirming I am registered in their system - do I need to do anything further at this point?
- A certificat d’adhésion from Klesia (protection et innovation sociales) - what is this and do I need to contact them?
- A proposition de contrat from Malakoff Mederic - is this required?