What do I send for declaration annuelle des salaires?

· Viewed 1493 times

I’ve received a letter from UGRR-ISICA, which has its objet as Déclaration annuelle des salaires. It says. Conformement aux obligations reglementaires fixées par nos fédérations, vous allez bientot nous transmettre la ‘déclaration annuelle des salaires 2011’ de votre établissement. It then tells me that the final date for sending the information is 31 January 2012, sous réserve de pénalités en cas de retard.

It gives me two routes to make this declaration, and supplies an identifiant and mot de passe so that I can log onto their website. I’ve tried to log in and receive the message echec d’authentication. The other way is to use the net-entreprises website, and déposer le fichier issu de votre logiciel de paye à la norme DADS-U. I don’t have any employees or accounting software, so there seems little point in trying to upload anything to the net-entreprise site. Any thoughts on what I should do? I’m assuming that I must send them something by the end of this month, but what exactly do they need?

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