What does “Autorisation d’installation” involve from the Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM)

· Viewed 1326 times

Hello Valerie
I am an Australian living in Normandie, I want to start teaching English as a freelance teacher and to run residential English camps. I have not bought property yet but plan to do so, once I have the visa.
I have returned to Australia and submitted my business plan to the French consulate here in Sydney, so that I can get the visa to start the business in France.
The consulate have informed me today that “After further review of your project, it appears that what is required in your situation, is : An “Autorisation d’installation” (settlement authorization) issued by the Direction Départementale des Territoires et de la Mer (DDTM) from Caen. 

I need to send them this document as soon as possible.
But I cannot find any more information about this.

Help please ... I am keen to get this sorted and get back to France.


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