What exchange rate do I use on my French invoices?
· Viewed 1775 times
I understand I need to use the exchange rate on the day a payment was received rather than on the invoice date.
- Currently I write all invoices in euros and then include a UK pound and US dollar equivalent in the payment area of the invoice for clients requesting invoices/quotes for work in foreign currencies. When I receive the payment, I log the foreign payment plus the euros conversion in my auto-entrepreneur accounts spreadsheet. How do I reconcile an invoice that is quoting a figure on the day the invoice was sent (as per the client’s demands) against a different figure reflecting the exchange rate the day the actual payment was received? How do (or do I need to) I account for these discrepancies in the paperwork?
- I usually use the London Stock Exchange rate for conversions. Is this acceptable or should I be using a French conversion site?