What happens if an auto-entrepreneur doesn’t have more than one client?
· Viewed 1783 times
I have just registered as an auto-entrepreneur having arrived in France in April. I am a public relations consultant and I have one client at the moment in Belgium. I realise that I am meant to have more but what happens if I don’t get any more in the coming months - do I need to prove that I am looking and how do I do this? For example, I will be having some meetings with contacts etc.
Also, I have just received my URSSAF declaration through the post and I have a social charges rate of 21.30% (code de gestion 688) and a Formation Prof Activitie Liberale of 0,20 (code de gestion 578). Is this correct and what does the Formation Prof Actvitie Liberale mean? I have chosen to pay income tax yearly.