What is declaration l’honneur for auto entrepreneur?
· Viewed 1757 times
In September I started business in France as an auto entrepreneur. I am also going under the reimbursement program from Pole Emploi as I got a Repture Conventionelle in July
- I have just received Déclaration Mensuelle de Recettes, what should I do with it?
- Pole Emploi want me to sign a paper for creation d’une EURL ou d’une entreprise individuelle. What is this and how will this impact my business/tax/declaration etc? Can I decide not to sign it?
- How does attenstation sur l’honneur work and is it the same as declaration l’honneur?
- If I earn money through this system how may I use the money and how do I process my declaration?
- Does this work under a ACCRE program if I decide to start ACCRE instead of my monthly reimbursement?
- Do you have step-by-step how do declare as an auto entrepreneur on this website?