What is retraite complimentaire?

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Please help as we are very confused. My husband and I have both started as auto entrepreneur’s. We have both been sent choix des institutions d’adhension forms to fill in, are they compulsory and do they involve any cost? In addition, I have been sent 2 different forms - one from Reunica and one from Groupe Mournay - the forms are identical other than their sending institution. Am I obligated to fill in both, or should I choose one or the other? We are both extremely small enterprises, my husband already has a pension and we are keen to keep expenses to a minimum.

Also, can anyone tell me what the function of the company Regime Social des Independants (RSI) is? My husband has received some documents from them. Are they an insurance policy, in which case we already have mutuelle, or are they a free service that sorts out your healthcare/carte vitale - or something else entirely? I don’t want to fill in the forms incorrectly, or subscribe to something I don’t really want or need.

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